CAESIM software

    We conduct numerical analyses using advanced and commercial software CAESIM. It is integrated environment which consist of four modules:
- module for geometry creation with import option,
- module for numerical mesh creation,
- STORM solver module,
- visualization module.

CAESIM capabilities

   CAESIM enables broad spectrum of physical phenomena. It deals with aerodynamic analyses for low velocity as well as for supersonic flows. CAESIM is able to take into account solid motion and solid-fluid interaction. CAESIM is well suited for heat transfer analyses (including conduction, natural and forced convection, radiation and reactions). CAESIM has well developed module for simulation different phases. It is especially dedicated for free surface flow, flow with particle and for gas mixtures.In order to get to know more info about CAESIM take visit homepage

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CAESIM accuracy

   Conducting tests confirm good results convergence of CAESIM and other well known word class CFD codes. We posses validation reports. One of the example is presented below, where results of CAESIM, CFX and experiment are compared. Study concerned nuclear storage facility to asses the cooling efficiency of the airflow inside and outside a storage pipe that can hold 14 fuel canisters. The heat generated by the canister induces a buoyant flow inside the storage pipe. The heat absorbed by the pipe from free convection and radiation will in turn drive a natural convection airflow on the outside of the storage unit. The pipe was also expected to loose heat to the outside walls of the facility through radiation.   

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